Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Islam It Easy"

Happy Ied ul fitr mubarak
     This time the title of my post is "Islam That Easy". That's why I call Islam Easily? I'll explain why Islam is easy, so think twice about this religion. Because Islam is not only difficult for its adherents.
     First of all, why Islam can spread very quickly in this archipelago? Once I thought, at the beginning of a person to Islam alone, Islam has shown its simplicity. That is when someone is going to convert to Islam, people are only reading two sentences were ordered shahada, which means someone has vowed "That there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah". Just like that, nothing other requirements. And this does not exist in other religions, which as in other religions, to the extent that we have purified first, or even to pay. Astaghfirullah, how can we pay for adopting a belief? It is not unreasonable.

       Then, about the preparation before the service, for example, before we prayed, we must perform ablution is not it? Then, whether Islam requires people to perform ablutions, but there is no water there, or that person should not touch the water because of illness, whether Islam requires them to remain ablution? No friends, Islam gives Rukshah, or we used to say relief. So, if it were forced to perform ablutions not for any reason, then we can do Tayammum, instead of ablution. Namely purify themselves by using the existing dust. How easily Islamic friends. Not only that, when ibadahpun also like that, Islam has always given relief-relief for everyone who can not normally perform such worship. At the moment we are not capable of performing the prayer by standing, because we suffer from a disease, then God Almighty. allow us to pray sitting down, not up there alone, if we are still not strong enough to sit down, we are allowed to pray with lying, and finally we can also execute the gesture, if we really can not afford, in contrast to other religions which requires the conduct of worship in accordance with his religion.
      In fact, Islam is also easy to get to the problem of burial, or a person who has died. In Islam, we only have to bathe the corpse, then menyalatinya, and buried him just by using a shroud only. While in other religions, the problem of burial alone can cost up to tens of millions, some are not honoring the body, namely by burning the corpse. Subhanallah, how easy it is Islam, its adherents are not burdensome. Therefore let us think carefully to embrace this religion.