Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Background Of Isra 'Miraj'

In sirah Nabawiyah mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad left to die by two men; Khadija-radi 'anha, and Abu Talib. In fact, during these two men have played a major role for the propagation Islamiyah.

1. Khadija Umm al-radi Faithful 'anha-, as mentioned in a hadith, is:
- Women and even the first man to believe in Prophet Muhammad.
- A believer who sacrificed his entire estate to proselytizing, and
- A wife, from whom the Prophet Muhammad had children (offspring).

2. Abu Talib, though not believed, however, given its position as the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, he has defended the Prophet Muhammad with the very unusual.
However, in the year, both passed away, then he SAW is very sad, and hence, the year it was called 'Amul huzni (in grief). Sadness is more complete, when the Prophet Muhammad tried to open the lines of a new mission, Ta'if. Who knows, Ta'if a cool, cool, green, has a major influence on its citizens, so their attitudes may be cool and fresh in his da'wah receiving SAW. Unlike Mecca (it was) a tough, all covered with stones, so the "fossilized" their attitude toward propaganda. However, instead of the arrival of the Prophet in Ta'if welcomed, but instead disambit.

Long story short, on the way back to Mecca, there are three events:

1. Prophet Muhammad met a man named Fennel, from Nainuwa, home of the prophet Jonah, the United States. During the meeting, Fennel states to Islam. It is as if saying to the Prophet Muhammad: "Do not grieve, O Muhammad, when the Meccans, the Arabs do not want to believe, do not be sad, here the evidence, people want to believe Nainuwa".

2. Prophet Muhammad met with a group of jinn, and when read the Qur'an to them, they expressed faith. This seemed to give the message to the Prophet Muhammad: "Even if all human beings do not want to believe, nor thou, O Muhammad SAW peru sad, because, the jinn have proved that they were ready to believe in you".

3. Events of Isra 'and Mi `raj. It is as if saying to the Prophet Muhammad: "In fact, even if all the inhabitants of the earth, neither man nor jinn, did not want to believe in you, O Muhammad, you do not have to be sad, because, the evidence, the skies are all bells and whistles to welcome your arrival".
From this perspective, the events of Isra 'and Mi `raj is tasliyah (solace) that is very unusual for the Prophet Muhammad.

Then what is our consolation?

Are supposed to pray, because by-by Isra 'and Mi `raj is primarily prayer, and prayer as the Prophet Muhammad made qurratu' ain and simultaneously rahah (breaks). And Allaah knows best.

1 comment:

  1. Semoga Allah mnunjukkan kita jalan yg lurus,, sehingga dapat melaksanakan semua yg d perintahkannya dan menjauhi smua larangan ny..
