Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Tell It, Although Just A Sentence!"

     Now, I will try to tell you what the meaning about "Tell It, Although Just A Sentence!". Our Prophet, Muhammad, was said that sentences. What's the meaning of that sentences? Now, we will try do discuss about it.
     The meaning of that sentences is, although we just tell to someone something useful, that was brought a reward for us. So, if we invite someone to a goodness, we will got a reward from Allah. Or if we read a sentence from Al-Qur'an, it will bring reward to us.
     If we just tell a sentence can bring a reward from Allah, so how many reward will come to us, if we tell many sentences of goodness to anyone? So think it again, try to tell at least a sentence of goodness to anyone, so we will get a reward from Allah.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Vice An Expert Repentance"

This story is taken from the magazine "Al-Ummah Al-Qatriyyah" No. 70, the column titled "repentance", written by Hussein Uwais Mathar.It was my best friend has changed, crispy soft laughter greeted each ear, like the crack of dawn to welcome the morning. Whereas previously the laugh is often deafening and hurt feelings. Now view full tawadhu cool. Whereas previously filled with its destruction. Words that came out of his mouth is now filled with calculations, whereas previously boasted to and fro hurt and hurt people, no matter and no burden of sin. His face was calm suffused light of guidance after previously impressed fierce and no mercy.
I was face to face, he understood what I wanted, and he said,
"Looks like you want to ask me. What made you change? "
"Yes, that's what I wanted to ask you," I snap, I saw your face a few years ago differ 180 degrees with a face that I see now.

                        سُبْحَانَ مُغَيِّرِ الأَحْوَالِ 
Most holy God Almighty made ​​a difference, "he said gratefully. "Hmm ... must be behind it all there was to pull the story," I remarked.

"Yes, her story when I remember, always adds to my faith in Allah the Almighty for everything, his story beyond imagination, but it remains a fact that has changed the direction of my life, now I'll tell you all about it."
When I was driving to Cairo, in one of the bridge that connects the city, suddenly a cow and a small child passing in front of me, I was shocked and can not control the vehicle. Unconsciously my car plunge into the river, and I'm already in the water. I lift my head up in order to breathe, but the car continued to sink and the water barely meet in my car, my hand touched the door handle right away, but the door was locked. At that moment I felt it would soon die, what comes to mind is the journey of my life filled with sin and stains. Everything was as dark, like being in a deep and dark tunnel, screaming panic gripping and thought, "Yaa Rabb ... Save me, not of death will soon be going through, but save me from all sin that has surrounded me, I feel like my soul drift and beg forgiveness of God before you meet him, and I say two sentences creed, I began to feel going to die.
I tried to move my hands to reach for something, my hand suddenly touched something that hole, I remember!, Perforation is coming from the front glass, which broke out since three days ago, without thinking, I thrust my body desperately out of the glass these holes, I again see the light, I see people watching from the riverbank as he cried aloud to each other so that there was one who helped me, and then plunged two of them into the river and took me to the edge, with the physical exhaustion I still was not sure be saved and to come back to life, from a distance I saw my car slowly sinking into the water. From that moment I felt desperate to leave my past is full of sin, it is immediately prove it when he got home, immediately tore apart posters of celebrities images and idols and images half-naked woman who accidentally kupajang on the wall of my house, then I went into the room and threw my body on the bed, crying, the first time I felt sorry for the sins I have done, the harder I cried and my tears streaming down the rapids, while my body was shaking. That's when I heard the call to prayer, as if I'd only heard the first time. I immediately got up and immediately rushed ablutions. In the mosque, after I pray, I declare repentance and ask God to forgive me; Since then, as now you see my face change due to repentance. "

هَنِيْئًا لَكَ يَا أخِيْ وَحَمْدًا للهِ عَلَى سَلاَمَتِكَ لَقَدْ أَرَادَ اللهُ بِكَ خَيْرًا وَاللهُ يَتَوَلاَّكَ      
وَيَرْعَاكَ وَيُثَبِّتُ عَلَى الْحَقِّ خُطَاكَ

"Blessed are you, O my brother, praise be to God for salvation, true God has willed goodness in you, God will always protect you and take care of you, and establish your feet on the truth".

"Do Shadaqah With A Smile"

    Now I will discuss, what do mean shadaqah with using a smile. In thehadith has been widely described that Sadaqah is the lightest with a smile. What is meant is smiling to please a friend or a feeling ofrespect and also greeted us with a good friend. Not the smiles clearlynot so friends.
     My friends just imagine, if only with a smile we considered doSadaqah, and get a reward. then why do not we start applying it startnow? Therefore, let us try to smile to greet or appreciate our friends.

"Abdurrahman bin Auf the Generous"

Its turn out.. Medina coming of 700 vehicles full of cargo ! Not imagine how excited Medina at that time.. If in bogor probablygoing to happen gridlocked every where huh??

Umm Aisha at that time Mu'minin r.a.who heard the fuss was asked: "What has happened in the city of Medina ...?" And he got an answer, that the caravan ABDURRAHMAN NIA 'new AUF came from Sham carrying wares. Ummul Mu'minin again said, "The caravan which has caused all this busyness?" "That's right, because there are 700 vehicles that come ...!" Ummul Mu'minin shook his head as he recalled something. He said " I heard the messenger of Allah said" :
"I saw Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf entry syurga slowly!" "O Ibn Auf! You one of those reach people and you will enter paradise slowly!". Borrow your wealth in Allah, surely Allah ease your step ...! "      Then he said, "With this I hope so that you become a witness, that this caravan with all of the following cargo vehicles and equipment, kepersembahkan in the way of Allah 'azza wa ... jalla!" And he gives entire 700 vehicle charge to all residents of Medina and sourronding areas .

Subhanallah ya brothers ... so many treasures not hesitate to donate his. If we? Maybe give us money USD 200.00 to the old beggar  ... ya do not?That younger siblings ... Abdur-Rahman ibn 'Awf a wise man, who does not like to leave the property wealth of the caravan of faith and heavenly reward.So it was he who proved their wealth with generosity and giving that is not measurable, with a satisfied and willing heart ...!
Younger siblings, do you know? It turned out that not only once that's all Abdurrahman ibn 'Awf give his property. One day he sold the land for 40 thousand dinars (if in dollars how much?), Then the money is given away all for the family of Bani Venus, for the wives of the Prophet and to the needy. Then once did he deliver supplies 500 horses to the army of Islam ... and on another day 1,500 vehicles. Towards the death of his intestate 50,000 dinars for the path of Allah, then testamented also to everyone who joined the battle of Badr and was still alive, respectively 400 000 dinars! Subhanallah,, What a generous friend of the Rasulullah who turned out on this one.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Islam It Easy"

Happy Ied ul fitr mubarak
     This time the title of my post is "Islam That Easy". That's why I call Islam Easily? I'll explain why Islam is easy, so think twice about this religion. Because Islam is not only difficult for its adherents.
     First of all, why Islam can spread very quickly in this archipelago? Once I thought, at the beginning of a person to Islam alone, Islam has shown its simplicity. That is when someone is going to convert to Islam, people are only reading two sentences were ordered shahada, which means someone has vowed "That there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah". Just like that, nothing other requirements. And this does not exist in other religions, which as in other religions, to the extent that we have purified first, or even to pay. Astaghfirullah, how can we pay for adopting a belief? It is not unreasonable.

       Then, about the preparation before the service, for example, before we prayed, we must perform ablution is not it? Then, whether Islam requires people to perform ablutions, but there is no water there, or that person should not touch the water because of illness, whether Islam requires them to remain ablution? No friends, Islam gives Rukshah, or we used to say relief. So, if it were forced to perform ablutions not for any reason, then we can do Tayammum, instead of ablution. Namely purify themselves by using the existing dust. How easily Islamic friends. Not only that, when ibadahpun also like that, Islam has always given relief-relief for everyone who can not normally perform such worship. At the moment we are not capable of performing the prayer by standing, because we suffer from a disease, then God Almighty. allow us to pray sitting down, not up there alone, if we are still not strong enough to sit down, we are allowed to pray with lying, and finally we can also execute the gesture, if we really can not afford, in contrast to other religions which requires the conduct of worship in accordance with his religion.
      In fact, Islam is also easy to get to the problem of burial, or a person who has died. In Islam, we only have to bathe the corpse, then menyalatinya, and buried him just by using a shroud only. While in other religions, the problem of burial alone can cost up to tens of millions, some are not honoring the body, namely by burning the corpse. Subhanallah, how easy it is Islam, its adherents are not burdensome. Therefore let us think carefully to embrace this religion.