Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Askhabul Kahf, 7 The Cave Dwellers"

They are young men who were given instructions by the Almighty and He inspired their faith, so that they know God and to deny the beliefs of those who worship idols. They held a meeting to discuss their faith will be accompanied by feelings of fear of their cruelty and violence, saying, that is,

"Our Lord is Lord of heaven and earth, we never called for lords besides Him, be upon us so, K." (Al-Kahf: 14), ie if our call is addressed to other than Him, then indeed we § have been saying the words that so far from the truth. "(Al-Kahf: 14), namely the words of vile, false and wrongdoers. While "our people have made in addition to him as the gods (for worship). Why do not they argued that the light (about their beliefs). Who is the greater wrong than the people making up a lie against Allah. "(Al-Kahf: 15).

After they agreed on these beliefs and realize that they might not explain to their people, they ask God Almighty to be facilitated their affairs, it means, "O our Lord grant us mercy from Thy hand and shape for us to straight in our affairs (this). "(Al-Kahf: 10).
Then they took refuge to the cave, then Allah Ta'ala wa Subhannahu facilitate their business, paving the cave hole and put the door on the north, so it is not exposed to sunlight; well as sunrise and sunset time, and they fell asleep in a cave under the custody and protection Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala for three hundred and nine years. Subhannahu wa Ta'ala Allah has protected them from fear, because of their position (cave) near the city of their people.
Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala always keep and protect them in the cave, as described in His word, meaning, "And you think them awake while they were asleep and we them turn over to the right and left" (Al- Kahf: 18), so that the earth does not demonize their bodies.
Then Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu wake them up after falling asleep in the time period long enough "so they asked each other among themselves." (Al-Kahf: 19). Eventually they find the real answer, as it is affirmed by Allah Ta'ala in His Word, that is,
"Said one of them:" How long have ye stayed (here). "They said," We have stayed (here) a day or half day. "He said (something else):" Lord you better know how long ye stayed (here). So Have one of you go to town with the money perakmu this. "(Al-Kahf: 19). Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala describes this story to end.
Signs of God's power-Faidah Faidah And Can Be Taken From Story Must:
In the story there are signs of Allah SWT and faidah Subhannahu-faidah useful, among them:
* That the story ashhabul kahf, although very impressive, but not a sign of God's power Subhannahu wa Ta'ala is most admirable, for God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala has its own signs and other stories in which there are valuable lessons for people who are willing ponder.
* That the people who invoke God's protection to Subhannahu wa Ta'ala, Allah will protect and love her, and made his reasons for showing the people astray. Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala has protected ashhabul kahf in their sleep long enough to maintain their faith and the body of the disorder and the murder of their families and God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala make their awakening from their sleep as a sign of the perfection of His power, goodness- His many and varied, so that His servants to know that God's promise must be true Subhannahu wa Ta'ala.
* Requires the command is useful sciences and discuss it, because Allaah has sent them for that purpose and inspire them to discuss among them about their beliefs and knowledge about their beliefs or behavior in order to obtain the evidence and the knowledge that God's promise must be true and indeed it was inevitable end without any doubt in it.
* It is concerned with the ethical person who feels a vague knowledge about something, then let him return to his teacher and try to understand carefully the lessons that have been learned.
Sources: Qisas al Anbiya, |, Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa,

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