Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Intention Is Everything"

     نَّمَا اْلأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ
"It all depends on the intentions of deeds."

  The above hadith, hadith is one of intent. From the above hadith, we can take the core values ​​that the deeds we do, depending on the intention. If we are good intentions in doing an act, the act will also be positive for us. But conversely, if we intended it or not sincere, then the deeds we have done in vain.

      Allah swt. assess the servants act of intention which is implied in his servant heart before doing a thing. And indeed our intentions really be judged by God Almighty. because if we intend to do something good, God records our intention as a good thing anyway, so before we do good deeds, we already get the reward of our good intentions. However, if we intend an act bad in us, although we have not done the bad deeds, God has counted us as a sin bad intentions.

        Therefore, let us order our intention that each of us will do something, do good things with a sincere heart and intend to either.


  1. Niaat...
    Yg pnting niat yg baik aja,, ngg usah niat yg ngg2..

  2. Niatkan di hati yg tulus bulan Ramadhan tahun inii..


  3. Semoga ramadhan bulan ini mnjadi bulan Ramadhan yg terbaik sepanjang hidup kita...

  4. Amiin,, juga semoga kita mndapatkan malam lailatul Qadar di bulan Ramadhan ini =D

  5. Ramadhan sudah dekat...
    Sucikan Hati, Sucikan Jiwa!!

    Salam, Si -Phantom-

  6. Sambut Ramadhan dg suka cita,, maka Allah akan mengharamkan jasad kita dari apii neraka.. iyaa ngg..??
