Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Suluk Tanzhimi the Sword of God"

At the end of the battle towards the end, came a messenger to Khalid Bin Walid. The new envoy Caliph, Umar Bin Khattab, who succeeded Abu Bakr ra ra who had died. The letter contains the dismissal of Khalid from his post as commander of the war with Abu Ubaydah ra as a substitute.

Khalid bin Walid calmly read the letter and ask the courier not to divulge the contents of the letter to anyone until the war ended. Khalid consideration at that time was worried these instructions from the Caliph of Muslims can break the concentration of troops. The battle continued until finally force the Muslims to achieve victory.
After an exhausting battle, while sweat is still moist, wounds are still not treated, the blood was still dripping on the tip of the sword. The Sword of God rushes to meet Abu Ubaydah to convey the message of his appointment as commander of his successor. The dismissal by the Caliph Umar Khalid is not at all based on dislike (like or dislike). But it is more based on firasyatul believers to save aqeedah Khalid own race and faith.
Achieved victory after victory in the battle to make his name Khalid marvelously fragrant, its popularity peaked. But this spectacular accomplishment led to the tendency of the cult of himself. Caliph Umar read this and worry about the people fall, as well as Khalid will get a great slander.
Next Khalid fought back under the control of his men as a former al-Jundi muthi'ah regardless of the status of "demotion". When confirmed the dismissal itself, he replied: "I have fought not for Omar, but because God Almighty".
Subhanallah! Piece of the story is full of meaning and full of wisdom. Tarbiyah qiyadiyah are truly extraordinary. Termination structural assignment (wazhifah tanzhimiyah) by the Caliph to the prince of war is a matter ru'yah qiyadiyah, a decision that must be addressed with obedience. Absolutely not eliminate the functional task (wazhifah mashiriyah) as a mujahid who must always be in a line of soldiers of God. This is the spirit of inspiration as well for us in the middle of the tasks we complete the mission agenda forward.

1. No Panic, Keep Being in the Awareness
For ordinary people 'dismissal' felt the earthquake, so quickly make a lot of people panic. But that does not happen to Khalid Bin Walid, but it happened when the battle was raging, which could be triggering the dark eyes, crazy even lost common sense. Strength of his leadership soul successfully manage the panic that happened to him. Whether it's men panic, or himself. Thus, all the panic that occur can be addressed properly, there are strategies and there is a solution that is quite realistic. In other words, Khalid was the leader of the "calming" and "steering" in the face of panic, not actually become more frantic than his own. He has a way to bring men into the street should be, and even tended to be willing to sacrifice for the salvation army ranks. So in panic, the soothing words will be heard. "I have fought not for Omar, but because God Almighty".

2. Not Disappointed, Still Being in Tsiqah
What is the attitude Khalid read the letter firing him? He received the dismissal is with the attitude of a warrior. Not the slightest disappointment and emotion emanating from his face. Disappointment will fuel anger, while anger is only going to drown someone in a "grave" ego that will plunge themselves in the matter. Easy emotional or temperamental attitude does not exist on Khalid Bin Walid. Khalid can master the instincts of power available to him (hubbus siyadah) and did not make his child support to him as a tool to preserve and perpetuate his post. In fact, he remained at war under new command and obey all orders of Abu Ubaydah who is now a supervisor.
For an ordinary person would have been hurt when positioned at the same position as experienced by Khalid Bin Walid. Disappointment will make a person easily provoked and the edges would act recklessly, so he will not fool yourself. Therefore, the anger fueled by disillusionment usually only be "stuck" in a puddle of bodily injury.
It is whatever we have, property, children or office, the principle is 'laysa maalikan ashilaan' we are not the original owner. Mandatory nature of the job, in a hierarchical mandate given to the person's position. It can not be prosecuted, let alone engineered by doing 'movements' illegal support or block it.

3. No Membalelo, Still Being in Tansik
Suppose the situation would be another protest at the dismissal of Khalid himself as a commander and then mobilizing his supporters for that office, as often and a lot happened this time, there will be chaos and people will disperse, resulting in fights and battles within the ranks and of course the enemy will easily hit them, and the Roman conquest was possible there would be only in imagination. It was great, the greatness of soul Khalid.
Not easy for someone to accept the fact that befall him. The dismissal is sometimes interpreted as distrust of him. Whoever we are, would want to be loved, loved, trusted, and trust others. However, when the pain comes, it's hard to forgive and to trust people again who do. It may even find it difficult to open your heart and feelings to others who do not know anything. This is a dilemma that must be faced. Finally, it's up to us, choose to walk alone or to continue a relationship after what happened. One thing is for sure, the wheels will keep spinning propaganda with or without pain.
Remain disciplined in the provision and control structure. The provision has become axiomatic that binds cadres who came together in it. That way the whole attitude of the cadre is always on the direction of the policy structure (Tansik al a'mal). No 'menyempal' alone. Because of such attitudes would result to others and tanzhim directly. Therefore those who do act like it is categorized as a disciplinary stance. It was indicated, despite being rather than a specific region mas'ul. A person is not entitled to mobilize his former Shahibul territory without coordinating with the new. This is the piety of association that is in RA Khalid.

4. No 'Silent' Still Be in Charity.
A warlord's best in his day, was at the peak career. Have to retreat in the middle of the term of office at the request of his superiors. By a reason that can not be defined by law in the present text. Then if he then angry and then absent from the war after no longer served as a commander? Or bring an action against his boss to court? Apparently not, she began to re-join the war as a common soldier without any embarrassment or hurt. How happy Khalid bin Walid. Look how easily she could hand over office to his men. The orientation of the struggle is God, not position, fame and lust satisfaction.
It was a person of strong loyalties (Quwwatul Intima'i). This is a very principled stance. Because that's where faith prestice formed into a strong building in heart of a believer. If so capable of proselytizing cadre of the trust was handed over to him. Then implement it immediately, thinking, acting with no false steps. To be in time that can quickly take a position soon to musharaka da'awiyah (participation da'wah).
A cleric preaching loudly muttering to himself. 'O so and so son of so and so, O friends today all places have been clear to whom? No place is empty. All busy looking for but no one dared to be in a dangerous position of his seat. I want myself living there. Have you followed me to take a sacred position?. "Say:" This is the path (religion) me, myself and the people who follow me invites (you) to God with real proof, Glory to God, and I'm not including people who are polytheists ". (Q. S. Yusuf: 108).

Let us continue to evaluate ourselves. Perhaps we are busy charity, but the best of charity is in the context of jihad fi sabilillah. And best of jihad fi sabilillah is always in the frame nizhamiyatut thaat. And Allaah knows best

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